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Vortrag: Sustainably packaged - recycling and reuse of food packaging

Digitale Veranstaltung
Online-Meeting mit Webex


Rebekka Küchler

The talk

A food system entirely without packaging is impossible. But: in order to tackle the environmental challenges ahead of us, we need to improve our packaging and reduce the associated waste volumes. How can the recyclability of packaging be determined? When does a reusable system make sense and how does it work? How does our packaging make it into a closed-loop system that conserves global resources?

In a half-hour impulse talk each, the two experts Elena Schägg, project manager for circular economy at Environmental Action Germany (Deutsche Umwelthilfe), and Dr. Andreas Grabitz, business unit manager for packaging materials from the international laboratory group Eurofins, will tell us about their experiences, methods and findings.


The presentation will be held in English.

About the project Positively Produced

Positively Produced is an Interreg project with 10 partners, food producers and knowledge institutions, that share a common and ambitious goal across borders between Denmark and Germany: to promote sustainable food production and consumption in the two neighbouring countries. In a climate-conscious and cross-cultural collaboration, we want to set out on the path to holistic sustainability. This includes environmentally friendly production methods but also important social and economic aspects, for example sustainable procurement. Visit the website of the compass for sustainability for more information or connect via Linked-In.


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About the Network for Sustainability of the HS Flensburg (NeNa)

 The Network for Sustainability (NeNa) was recently founded to connect activities in sustainability across the Hochschule Flensburg: no matter if student, administrational/scientific staff or professor, the network is open to everyone interested. And it does not stop here: external members are welcome! Together we aim at creating a vibrant network to share knowledge, to connect and to increase synergies. You are interested in joining? Internal members of the Hochschule: join via StudIP; for external members: please get in contact via rebekka.kuechler@hs-flensburg.de.

Das Netzwerk Nachhaltigkeit an der Hochschule Flensburg

Das Thema Nachhaltigkeit steht für viele von uns in Lehre und Forschung auf der Agenda – in ganz unterschiedlichen Bereichen. Das Netzwerk Nachhaltigkeit möchte die verschiedenen Akteure und Aktivitäten an der Hochschule im Rahmen von Nachhaltigkeit zusammenführen und sichtbar machen. Zum Austausch innerhalb und außerhalb der Hochschule werden Forum-Veranstaltungen zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit geplant. Interessierte sind eingeladen, sich dem Netzwerk Nachhaltigkeit durch Beitritt der Stud.IP-Veranstaltung „Netzwerk Nachhaltigkeit“ anzuschließen.